November 1, 2008


So it's been really really really long since I've posted :(...My camera broke, so it's been hard to find inspiration to write about. But it's okay because I made the BEST SANDWICH EVER in the dining hall the other day and it will make up for a month of so-so posts. So here it is:

wheat bread
sliced tomato
roasted red pepper
BBQ sauce raw tofu from salad bar (sliced)
artichoke hearts
and a sprinkle of S & P

Grilled this puppy on the panini grill and was in a state of euphoria for about 45 minutes thereafter. 


Rose said...

Sounds utterly delicious.

Virginia said...

yay, glad to see you have a new post!

Kelly said...

Sounds delicious.

Anonymous said...

Yumm! That sounds GREAT! It also sounds like your cafeteria has alot of vegan options! I wish the one that I am going to go to had all those options! You're very lucky;]

Maria Rose said...

I have made very similar sandwiches. Yum!

Anonymous said...

Wow--I am truly amazed at the quality and variety of your cafeteria food (where was scrambled tofu when I was in college???!).

Thanks so much for the link to my blog--it is much appreciated! Now that I've found yours, I'll add it to my Google Reader (I'm still updating the blogroll on my blog--hopefully before the new year!!)

And (belated) welcome to the world of blogging! :)

Kumudha said...

Sounds delicious!

Sky Farms said...

Put some olives and cajun seasoning on that bad boy, maybe some balsamic's the red pepper devil wich. Yours does sound euphoric - red bell and artichoke:) 2 faves!

Jen Treehugger said...

It does sound yummy!
Sandwiches RULE!!