January 12, 2009

Back on campus...a dish!

So fall quarter has officially begun. Back to class, back to dorm life and back to the dining hall. After visiting the nutritionist at the end of last quarter about healthy vegan choices and a healthy vegan diet in the dining halls, I am excited to put the new info to work. She gave me an outline of serving sizes and such and basically I learned that I am actually alright with protein, but need some more starch. It's just tough when you love veggies like I do! Here was one of my first meals:

Kung Pao Taco Salad
From the taco bar I took a taco shell, black beans, rice, cilantro. Then I took some Kung Pao tofu (some apparently chinese sauce on tofu) and put it inside for some more protein. I topped it with bell peppers, tomatoes, frozen corn(literally!) , and olives from the salad bar. The salad is just mixed greens and a healthy handful of mushrooms. Oh and some cantaloupe. 


Lovlie said...

Wow! That looks well healthy and fresh! It's great that the campus caters for vegans so carefully!

KP said...

that sounds delicious! I'm surprised that your campus offers many vegan options! Mine doesn't, as far as I know, but I'm not really in the dining halls.

Anonymous said...

You are lucky. That looks so good.

Zucchini Breath said...

That looks so fresh and delicious. You are lucky to have a good raw and vegan salad bar!


Anonymous said...

The book Eat to Live actually makes the argument that less starch and more veggies is much better for health and disease prevention (lots of science to back this up, though not the standard nutrition advice). The Fat Free Vegan website has some info on it. Keep with the veggies!!!
